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31, I turn to stare at it, and the driver stares at me.
32, I looked round thinking everyone would stare at me, but to my relief no one showed the slightest interest.
33, They Survey the huddled women briefly, then Stare at the orphan girls.
34, The speaker broke off, turning to stare at her as she stood in the doorway.
35, She turned to stare at him and saw that he was smiling - a twisted smile that made her colour rise quickly.
36, The two men stare at her, uncomprehending, rendered docile by her gibberish.
37, Ask the students to stare at the black dot in the center of the bell for 20 seconds. 3.
38, When she was completely naked she turned to stare at him.
39, To stare at an empty vastness would be dispiriting; perhaps also it would bring about too great a sense of isolation.
40, I stare at the screen while they show a grainy old black-and-white photo of me, younger, with longer hair.
41, She wanted to sit here, and stare at this view, which was much better than hospital.
42, And it makes a map you want to stare at and drink up.
43, You stare at one and see miniature scenes - a football game, a council meeting and a pop concert.
44, I go and sit on the bench in front of the Christmas tree and stare at it.
45, Unable to afford coal, they sit and stare at an empty grate.
46, Without the hair covering the ears and that shell belt and all he wasn't some one you would stare at.
47, He turned back to stare at me as he was hauled off and he was still grinning.
48, He continued to stare at her, his fleshy face filmed with perspiration, neck bulging above his tight collar.
49, Logically enough, everybody turned to stare at Lolly Stoppelgard, who looked understandably puzzled.
50, I sit on the edge of the padded table, naked, and stare at the envelope.
51, How could he be so offensive as to stare at the chap's disfigured face, he wondered.
52, The woman keeps shifting her gaze from Cote to stare at the pads with a kind of fascinated horror.
52, Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and build good sentences.
53, Toos and Alvin Sharpes arrived and sat on the stairs to listen to the story and stare at the storyteller.
54, Then a cough from next door, muted but clear enough, made him stare at Renwick and shake his head.
55, With a silly smile on her face she walked across to stare at her reflection in the dressing-table mirror.
56, Other excitements took their place but I was more inclined to stare at them in amazement than paint them.
57, A cannibal track for me to find and stare at.
58, Then another car, this time stopping so occupants could stare at the U. S. Air Force barracks.
59, If you stare at the flying saucer long enough it begins to vibrate.
60, Very quiet; no one will stare at your black eye.